Saturday, May 2, 2015

Guided Hunt For Snow Geese

As a young boy growing up, I have fond memories of waking up in the wee hours of the morning to the sound of my Dad and my older brother getting themselves ready to go hunting. As I was much too young at the time to hunt, I would lay there and listen, peeking out of my room while they got ready,., lining up their gear near the front door,customize bobblehead, hearing the soft chatter of their voices,The Nine Lives Of Puma Running Shoes,personalized bobbleheads, I could feel the excitement coming from them, yes they were real men my Dad and big brother, real men loved to hunt.

Now this particular morning was especially exciting as they were going out of town on their first ever 2 day guided hunt for snow geese. Now, as my Dad shared with me upon his return from that trip, if this is your passion, and you�ve never experienced the thrill of a guided hunt, it is an adventure not to be missed. Whether it is for big or small game,customized bobbleheads, guided hunts are awesome for the enthusiastic hunter,custom bobbleheads, a well planned hunt can virtually assure you of returning home with your bag limit and plenty of stories to tell.

Well,custom bobblehead, here is one of those fond memories. My Dad had entered a snow goose hunt draw,custom bobbleheads, which was sponsored by the Canadian Wildlife Service which was an annual event. At the time it was a mere $8.00 to enter,personalized bobblehead, so there was not much to lose. If selected,customize bobblehead, you and 3 other persons were entitled to two half day hunts in Cap Tourmente, Quebec. I can still see the smile on my Dad�s face when he received the call telling him that he had won,Positive Lifestyle Alterations With A Outside Controlled Skateboard, I chuckled when he told me that he first had to attend a presentation on the snow goose and the over abundance in the North, Dad just wanted to get out into the blinds and shoot!

Day 1 eager for the first hunt and anxiously awaiting their lift out to the blind which was approximately 1,Inline Skating � Tips On How To Fall When Inline Skating,000 yards from shore and being that the tide was out,custom bobblehead, the shore was total mud which meant the only means of getting out there was by horse and sleigh. They were then provided with bales of hay to be used as seats and to cover up their gear and of course,personalized bobble heads, a white flag and red flag,Fiat 500 TwinAir Gets Green Award, white indicative that they were ready to return to camp and red for emergency. At this time,personalized bobblehead, both of them were keyed up and ready to do what they had come out there for � shoot snow geese. The bag limit for snow geese is 20 per hunter, but taking into consideration the weight limit for the plough horses to pull,customized bobbleheads, the combination of humans, gear and snow geese,,, their daily bag limit was set at 15. Well,custom bobblehead, their first hunt was cut short as the quota was met, so up went the white flag and back came the guide, their vision of continuing 30 minutes past sunset was no more, but what a thrill they experienced.

Day 2 was hunting from the high tide blind. Start time was 30 minutes before sunrise and they hunted until noon that day taking full advantage of their time and enjoying every minute out there. After 20 years they still talk about that guided snow goose hunt as one of the best they ever had.

My dad and I are now planning a guided deer or bear hunt near Riding Mountain National Park in Manitoba, there are supposed to be some huge animals up there and I have been looking forward to it since he mentioned it.

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