Tuesday, March 10, 2015

How To Become A Tiger Woods Like Putter

If you play golf you know that a missed two foot putt will cost you as many strokes on your score card as a 280 yard drive that splits the fairway. It is very unfortunate but most golfers don t practice their putting as much as they should,custom bobbleheads, instead they go to the driving range and hit driver after driver and then wonder why they three putt on the greens,customized bobbleheads, thus ruining what could have been a great round.

What we have put together are a few tips that will help you become more like a Tiger Woods putter and help you to alleviate those unnecessary stokes in your round,Toronto Blue Jays 2009 Baseball Season Preview,,.

How to Understand the Grain on the Green

Tiger Woods understands what the grain on the green is telling him. For example,., the grain of the green will follow the sun. So when you are looking at your putt you need to locate the sun. This will let you know if you are putting with the grain,customize bobblehead, against the grain or across the grain. Knowing this will help you determine the speed of the putt and how much break to play. For instance,custom bobbleheads,Sprint Training - Amazing Methods To Success, if you are putting downhill into the sun you are putting with the grain and you are going to have a very fast putt so you will need to add more break and just get it started online and gravity will do the rest.

Reading the Putt

Reading the putt correctly takes practice. Watch when Tiger is putting,personalized bobbleheads, he has a routine that he does every time (unless it is a tap in). He marks his ball,personalized bobble heads, and then he proceeds to walk around the entire circumference of his putt. What is he doing? First he is looking at the grain, next he is looking at the angulations of the green and third,customized bobbleheads,Love and Money, he is feeling the green. When he is walking around the green he is also feeling the green with his feet. This will help to feel slight angulations that maybe very hard to see. Try this sometime especially when you are playing an unfamiliar course you ll be surprised by what your feet will tell you.

Know the Local Knowledge

One thing that many golfers don t even think to do is learn the local knowledge. This can help you immensely on the course. What do mean by this? Well each course has its own little quirks,personalized bobblehead, for example most putts tend to break towards the water. If you live near mountains you will learn that the course may lean toward the valley there for affecting your putt. This type of knowledge will help you become a more Tiger Woods like putter because he knows the local knowledge on all the courses he plays and knows that some putts may look like they should to the right but it actually does the complete opposite.

So in conclusion if you want to be a Tiger Woods putter and not a three putter learn the grain,Let Us Go For Natural! (Natural Soy Candle),personalized bobblehead, read the greens. And ask about the local knowledge for any course you play.

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